Can we prevent cancer? Dr. Vivek Loomba There is no proven way to totally avoid cancer. However, we can certainly decrease the chances of getting this horrible disease. The American Cancer Society encourages people to maintain a healthy lifestyle, do regular physical activity and eat healthy so as to prevent this disease. Here is a
Read MoreMANAGING CANCER PAIN PATIENTS AT HOME Cancer patients need a multidisciplinary team management. While most cancer treatment is given in a hospital setting, home care is an essential aspect of cancer management. These patients spend a significant time at home in between various treatments. Certain treatments can be done at home. This includes administration of
Read MorePALLIATIVE CARE IN CANCER PATIENTS Cancer patients suffer from a whole spectrum of diseases, and other related issues, including but not limited to the disease itself, immune suppression, pain syndrome, social stigma, financial implications, depression and anxiety. The Pain Syndrome is particularly challenging, not only for the patient but for the care givers and the
Read MoreCANCER PAIN MANAGEMENT — MEDICAL ASPECTS Cancer pain continues to remain an enigma both for the physicians, patients and their families even after over 20 years of a campaign to make pain the fifth vital sign. The primary barriers for effective pain management include (1) Inadequate pain assessment and management training (2) Failure to refer
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